Q. How long will it take for my implants to heal?

A. Typically it takes three or four months for dental implants to integrate within the bone. However, in most cases we are able to send the patients home with functional and aesthetic teeth on the same day.

Q. Are implants painful?

A. We recommend pain relievers for two to three days after the procedure.
But you should be able to eat solid food on the day of the surgery..

Q. What if I am too old for teeth implants?

A. Your health is more important than your age when determining whether implants are right for you.
We can determine that when you come in for a consultation.

Q. Can I get dental implants if I smoke?

A. Yes. But there is a higher risk of complications for smokers.

Q. What if I have been told that I do not have enough bone for dental implants?

A. When bone is deemed deficient for implants, there are other options including bone grafting or using
other bone stock in other areas of the maxillofacial complex. We can discuss this at your consultation.

Q. How much do implants cost?

A. Because there are so many treatment options it is impossible to provide a price without a consultation.
We can promise you that all fees will be explained in advance of any procedure.